Hide Submission Folder InformationSubmission FolderAssignment #1: Quantitative Research: Article Summary (14%)Instructions
Quantitative Research: Article Summary (14% of the grade)
This assignment is aimed at giving students an opportunity to select and analyze a real quantitative (qualitative is written in the classroom) research study and explain how it may or may not be able to help improve an aspect of healthcare delivery. This will be a 3–5 page paper that meets the general writing guidelines which are outlined in the syllabus.
This assignment should be carried out as follows:
Step #1: Study selection – Select the article that most interests you.
Step #2: Summary: Write a 2 – 3 page summary and analysis of the key aspects of the article you selected. In this summary you should cover the following items in the article:
Grading Rubric for Written Assignment #1
Critical Thinking Skills: Clearly presents thoughts and concepts.
Course Content: Uses, applies, and demonstrates understanding of course materials, readings, conferences, and instructor-provided content. Visual and graphic images capture and display understanding of the concepts
Assignment Instructions: Responds to assignment instructions, including all essential elements of the project description
Writing Quality: Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors. APA format is followed. Citations are used. Clearly presents material graphically. Easy to understand
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