Operations Management
Health Care Policy, Politics and Power
#1 Short Paper: Uncontrolled Costs, 3-4 pages, Due: 5/7/2017: $24
#2 Topic Submission: Final Paper, Due: 5/7/2017: $8
#3 Short Paper: Democrats and Republicans and Health Care, 3-4 pages, Due: 5/20/2017: $24
#4 Short Paper: Who Should Sit at “The Table”?, 3-4 pages, Due: 6/4/2017: $24
#5 Final Paper: Submission of Final Paper, 12-15 pages, Due: 6/4/2017: $104
TOTAL: $184
Informatics and Health Care Delivery System
#1 Final Project Topic Selection, 1 page, Due: 5/5/2017:$8
#2 Final Paper Concept Map, Due: 5/14/2017: $32
#3 Introduction/Background to the Final Paper Draft, Due: 5/28/2017: $24
#4 Proposed Solutions /Final Paper Draft, Due: 6/4/2017: $40
#5 Final Paper Submission, 10 pages, Due: 6/11/2017: $80
TOTAL: $184
Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations
#1 Ellen Zane Case Study, 3-5 pages, Due: 5/7/2017 $32
#2 Case Study: Assessment Emanuel Medical Center: Crisis in the Health Care Industry, 3-5 pages, Due: 5/21/2017: $32
#3 Case Study: Assessment – Governance Challenges at Good Hands Healthcare, 3-5 pages, Due: 6/4/2017: $32
#4 Final Paper, 5-7 pages, Due: 6/11/2017: $48
TOTAL: $144
TOTAL for the 3 Classes: $512
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