web interface design
Continue to develop the site content as directed in milestone 4. At this point, at least 3 of the pages for the site should be completed.
Use the knowledge gained in this week’s lecture web interface design and iLab to create a user feedback form. Include all necessary controls (text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, text areas, dropdown lists, and buttons) to allow the user to effectively interact with the form. Use CSS to control the layout of the form. Include reset and submit buttons with the form. The reset button should clear the form and the submit button should load a “Your information has been received” page.
Move all site and page level styles to an external CSS file.
Upon completion of this step, zip up all of the files for the site into one single file and submit the file to the Dropbox.
Grading Rubric
Category | Points | % | Description |
Content completed on at least three pages | 9 | 20 | Content on pages is visible |
Form created and CSS used for the layout of the form | 9 | 20 | As per milestone spec |
All necessary form controls used as appropriate | 9 | 20 | Required site evaluation options present |
Buttons (submit/reset) included | 9 | 20 | Submit button linked to form action; reset clears form |
External CSS file | 9 | 20 | Site managed by an external CSS file |
Total | 45 | 100 | A quality project will meet or exceed all of the above requirements |
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
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